【Basic Skincare】Deep Cleansing Gel


Deep Cleansing Gel/ディープクレンジングジェル


The natural gel ingredients – a far infrared ray functional powder, a liquid soybean extract and moisture-retaining collargen-envelop the skin and quickly dissolve hard-to-remove makeup. This gentle, effective, jello-type of cleansing gel cleans skin without putting any strain on it. From moment you first use Cleansing Gel you`ll recognize that here is a new kind of cleansing that reaches deep into the skin. Even people who don`t use makeup can benefit from using this product once a week to clean thier pores.

The amount of contents:110g

Approximate period of service: About 2 months

The suggested Retail Price:$61(w/o sales tax)

Mfg. by:Seibi Co.,Ltd. Osaka, Japan
Manufacturing country:Made in Japan
Dist. by:Dr. Mainz Japan Natural Energy Wave


Deep Cleansing Gel/ディープクレンジングジェル
在庫状態 : 在庫有り
$61.00 $61.00