【Basic Skincare】Moisture SP Essence


Moisture SP Essence/モイスチャーSPエッセンス


This luxurious beauty liquid combines an abundances of top-grade ingredients, including select moisture-retaining alpha-collagen, cockscomb extract and natural botanical ingredients. While you sleep, the far infrared ray functional powder introduces these ingredients deep into the skin, effectively working to counteract spots and wrinkles andstrengthen weakened areas.

The amount of contents:10ml X 3 bottles

Approximate period of service: About 4 months

The suggested Retail Price:$128(w/o sales tax)

Mfg. by:Seibi Co.,Ltd. Osaka, Japan
Manufacturing country:Made in Japan
Dist. by:Dr. Mainz Japan Natural Energy Wave


Moisture SP Essence/モイスチャーSPエッセンス
在庫状態 : 在庫有り
$128.00 $128.00